R.J. Palacio was inspired to write Wonder after she had an experience involving a girl with a facial deformity like Auggie' s. She was with her young son, who began to cry after seeing the girl' s face. Worried that her son would create a scene, she quickly removed him from the area. Palacio realized later that, even though she was trying to be helpful, her actions could have hurt the young girl' s feelings even more.

R.J. 帕拉西奥在一次遇见一位同奥吉有颜面残缺的女孩后得到撰写《奇迹男孩》的灵感。帕拉西奥当时与她年幼的儿子在一起,她儿子见到那位女孩的脸后就哭了起来。帕拉西奥担心她儿子会大吵大闹,所以迅速带著儿子离开。帕拉西奥后来认知到虽然她当时是想要帮忙,但她的行为可能会使那位女孩感到更难过。

inspire vt. 鼓舞;启发
My grandfather inspired me to follow my dreams and become a pilot.
involve vt. 涉及,牵涉;包含
create a scene  当众大吵大闹(以致丢人现眼或出丑)
My mom won' t punish me in public because she doesn' t want to create a scene.

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