Part of what has made Rafael Nadal a champion is his love for challenges. In his teens, he was offered the chance to leave his hometown and train in the big city. He said no, with the faith that he could still be great even in tiny Mallorca. He’ s famous for being the best left-handed tennis player. So, what’ s the big deal about him using his left hand? Well, he’s actually naturally right-handed—it’ s only for tennis that he uses his left.

使拉斐尔.纳达尔成为冠军的部分原因是他对挑战的热爱。在他青少年时期,他有一个机会可以离开家乡来到大城市训练。他回绝了,因为他相信他在小小的马略卡岛一样可以很优秀。他也以作为一个最佳的左撇子选手而著名。那么,他使用左手有什么了不起的呢?事实上,他是一个天生的右撇子 ── 只有在打网球时他才使用左手。

生活必备字词: champion n. 冠军 faith n. 信心;相信 naturally adv. 天生地

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