In 2018, a group of Swedish celebrities, including Ernman, publicly announced that they would stop flying. In that same year, Thunberg founded an event, " Fridays for Future. " In this event, Swedish students skipped school to protest climate change outside government offices. The movement quickly spread around the world, and Thunberg became a star at the age of 15. In 2019, Greta Thunberg took flygskam to the next level when she traveled by sailboat across the Atlantic Ocean to attend a United Nations meeting.

2018 年,一群瑞典的名人(包含恩曼在内)公开宣布他们会停止飞行。同年,桑柏格创办了一个活动,「气候大罢课」。在这场活动中,瑞典的学生翘课去政府的办公室外面抗议气候变迁。这项运动迅速地传遍全球,而桑柏格也在十五岁时成名。2019 年,格蕾塔.桑柏格将 flygskam 提升到了另一个层次,她乘坐帆船横跨大西洋去参加一场联合国会议。

生活必备字词: found vt. 建立;创办 skip vt. 略过,跳过 government n. 政府

◆免费线上听外师朗读 本文节录自《常春藤生活英语》杂志,完整内容请见九月号。


