Taiwan is an island full of mountains, with hundreds of peaks that stand more than 3, 000 meters above sea level. For economic reasons, hiking in the mountains was only an activity for wealthy people until the early 2000s. Now, it is among the most popular hobbies for both citizens and tourists. The island has many low trails that are easy to hike, such as the trails in Yangmingshan National Park and Four Beasts Mountain in Taipei.

台湾是一个多山的岛,有数百座海拔超过三千公尺的高峰。由于经济因素,登山在 2000 年代初期以前是只局限于富人从事的活动。如今,它成为了最受国民以及观光客欢迎的爱好之一。台湾有许多容易攀登的低海拔步道,例如阳明山国家公园以及台北四兽山的步道。

生活必备字词: above / below sea level  高于∕低于海平面 This creature lives about 500 meters below sea level. wealthy a. 富裕的,富有的 trail n. (荒野或乡间的)小径∕小路

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97 本文节录自《常春藤生活英语》杂志,完整内容请见十月号。





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