The story centers around Ana Dakkar, a first - year student at a five - year high school for ocean scientists on the coast of California. Her parents were scientists as well, but they died at sea a few years ago. Her only remaining family member is her brother, who is also at the school. The school year is ending soon, and the students have to go on a mission on the school' s boat, the Varuna. How well they do on the mission will determine their success in the school program.

故事围绕著一位一年级新生安娜.达卡,她就读一座位于加州沿岸、培育海洋科学家的五年制高中。她的双亲也是科学家,但他们在几年前死于海上。她唯一剩下的家人是她的哥哥,同样就读于这所学校。学年即将结束,学生们必须在学校的船 ─ 婆罗那号 ─ 上执行一项任务。他们在任务中的表现将决定他们能否成功完成学业。

生活必备字词: coast n. 海岸 remaining a. 剩下的 go / be on a mission  出∕执行任务 Kevin is on a mission to improve relations with foreign countries. determine vt. 决定

◆免费线上听外师朗读 本文节录自《常春藤生活英语》杂志,完整内容请见十月号。





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