Traditionally, Guinness World Records published common information, such as the highest mountain or the oldest person. However, over time, humans and animals have been recognized for an increasing number of unusual talents. It proves that our abilities are as unlimited as our imagination. One curious human record involves a woman with fingernails that are almost 13 meters long. Others include a man who can squirt milk 279.5 cm from his eye and another man who is capable of lifting a 13-kg weight with his tongue.

  传统上,《金氏世界纪录大全》刊登常见的资讯,例如最高的山或最长寿的人。然而,随著时间的推移,愈来愈多人类和动物因非比寻常的才华而受到认可。这证明了我们的能力就如同我们的想像力一样无穷。一项奇葩的人类纪录涉及一名手指甲几乎长达十三公尺的女子。其他纪录包括一位能用眼睛将牛奶喷到 279.5 公分外的男子及另一名能用舌头举起十三公斤重量的男子。



information n. 资讯

imagination n. 想像(力)

curious a. 古怪的,不寻常的




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