In his 2018 book Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, James Clear explains how you can improve your life through habits. The book introduced the idea of " atomic " habits, which are very small habits — as small as an atom. For example, imagine you have a bad habit of never doing exercise. Trying to run 10 kilometers every day would be too extreme. Instead, try doing one sit - up every morning before you get up.

在詹姆斯.克利尔 2018 年的《原子习惯:细微改变带来巨大成就的实证法则》一书中,他说明如何透过习惯来改善生活。这本书介绍了「原子」习惯的概念,即和原子一样非常渺小的习惯。比方说,想像假如你有个从不运动的坏习惯。每天尝试跑十公里会太过激进。取而代之的,试著每天早上起床时做一下仰卧起坐。

prove vt. 证明,证实
introduce vt. 提出,引进;介绍
When the idea was first introduced to the public, everyone was shocked.
imagine vt. 想像







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