On the shows Alice and Bachelor Father, Robert wrote almost every episode. In addition, he was a playwright and had three plays that made it to Broadway: the hit The Impossible Years, Minnie' s Boys, and Happiness Is Just a Little Thing Called a Rolls Royce. Apart from sitcoms and the stage, Robert Fisher is best known for his short story The Knight in Rusty Armor. This story uses fantasy and a lighthearted nature to discuss self - discovery and accepting one' s self.

在《Alice》及《Bachelor Father》这些节目中,罗伯几乎参与了每一集的撰写。此外,他还是个剧作家,并写了三出在百老汇上演的剧:热门的《The Impossible Years》、《Minnie’s Boys》、以及《Happiness Is Just a Little Thing Called a Rolls Royce》。除了情境喜剧及舞台剧,罗伯.费雪最为知名的是他的短篇故事《为自己出征》。这个故事利用奇幻和轻松的口吻来探讨自我发现和接受自己。

make it to. . .   成功抵达. . . 
Apart from + N / V - ing, S + V  除了. . . ,. . . 
Apart from badminton, Paul is good at golf.
lighthearted a. 轻松愉快的

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97






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