The world' s first clowns were performers in ancient Greek and Roman theater. They were known as " rustic fools " — poor, simple characters with the mind of a child, who would play for the audience' s joy. The actual word " clown " didn' t appear in English until 1560. This word referred to a farmer who performed to please the rich. Court jesters, for example, were entertainers who were hired to perform a variety of tricks to keep royalty happy and lift their moods.

世界上最早的小丑是古希腊和罗马剧院的表演者。他们被称为「乡村傻瓜」─ 可怜、简单的人物,有著孩子的心智,会为了取悦观众而表演。「小丑(clown)」这个词直到 1560 年才出现在英语中。这个词指的是为取悦富人而表演的农民。例如,宫廷小丑是受雇表演各种杂技以保持皇室快乐和振奋心情的表演者。


performer n. 表演者

refer to. . .   意指 ∕ 指的是. . .

lift one' s mood  让某人心情愉快

John is trying to lift Mary' s mood since she is crying.








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