S: Steven  L: Lucy

Steven and Lucy are talking about some suitable places for cherry blossom viewing.

S: Hey, Lucy! I heard you just went to see cherry blossoms over the weekend. Where did you go?

L: Hi, Steven. I went to Lala Mountain in Taoyuan. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The whole place was so beautiful.

S: That’s wonderful. I’ve always wanted to see cherry blossoms in person. Any recommendations for places to go here in Taiwan?

L: You should consider visiting Yangmingshan National Park, which is really close to Taipei. There are other good spots in Taiwan as well, like Alishan and Sun Moon Lake.


史蒂芬: 嘿,露西!听说妳周末去看樱花。妳去了哪里?

露 西: 嗨,史蒂芬。我去了桃园的拉拉山。樱花遍地盛开。整个地方非常美丽。

 史蒂芬: 那真是太好了。我一直想亲自去看看樱花。台湾还有什么推荐赏樱的地方吗?

露 西: 你应该考虑去阳明山国家公园,那里离台北很近。台湾还有其他好去处,像是阿里山和日月潭。


view vt. 观赏 & n. 风景,景色

be in (full) bloom  (花朵)盛开

bloom n. 开花

spot n. 地点


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壹苹派生活美语 秘密花园(二)