In Picture A, two people are having a face-to-face conversation. With this form of interaction, people can respond immediately and effectively convey emotions through body language. However, face-to-face conversations require both people to be present, which can sometimes be inconvenient. On the other hand, Picture B shows someone texting on a phone. This method allows people to communicate regardless of time and place. However, texting lacks the personal touch and can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, as emotions may not be conveyed accurately through written words alone.

  图 A 中,两个人正在面对面交谈。透过这种互动形式,人们可以立即地回应并透过肢体语言有效地传达情感。然而,面对面交谈需要双方在场,这有时会很不方便。另一方面,图 B 显示有人在使用手机传讯息。这种方式让人们能够不分时间及地点来沟通。然而,传讯息缺乏人情味,有时也可能会导致误会,因为仅透过书面文字或许无法准确地传达情感。


communication n. 沟通

communicate vi. 沟通

respond vi. 回应;回答

immediately adv. 立即,立刻




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