N: Nicole  S: Sam

Nicole found a job back in the US after finishing her studies in Greece.

N: There' s no way I can pass up an opportunity to return. I' ve really adapted to the lifestyle here. I don' t know how I' ll readjust to my country.

S: You will get used to things again after a while.

N: Yeah, maybe. If not, that just means I'll have to move back here and find another job. S: You would be most welcome to! You could even live here until you find a place of your own.

N: That sounds almost too good to be true.

妮可在希腊完成她的学业后在美国那里找到了一份工作。 妮 可:我不会放弃任何可以回来的机会。我已经很习惯这里的生活方式了。我不知道该如何重新适应我的国家。 山 姆:过一段时间后妳就会习惯啦。 妮 可:也许吧。如果不习惯的话,就代表我需要搬回来这里并另找工作了。 山 姆:非常欢迎!妳甚至可以住在这里直到妳找到自己的栖身之地。 妮 可:这听起来简直好得令人难以置信。

生活必备字词: pass up. . .  拒绝∕放弃. . . Don’t pass up this chance to win a prize. get used to N / V - ing  习惯于. . . too good to be true  好得令人难以置信

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97 本文节录自《常春藤生活英语》杂志,完整内容请见十月号。



