Among book lovers today, there are those who prefer physical books and those who prefer digital ones. Whether reading for casual enjoyment or for research purposes, readers must navigate the world of print and online resources. Robin Sloan’s 2012 novel Mr. Penumbras 24-Hour Bookstore is an extraordinary adventure that explores society’s transformation from the written word to the modern digital age. The story follows Clay Jannon, who loses his job as a web designer and ends up working the late shift at Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour bookstore. He soon discovers that the bookstore harbors many secrets.

  在现今的阅读爱好者中,有偏好实体书的人及喜欢电子书的人。不论是为了休闲娱乐或研究目的而阅读,读者都必须游走于印刷及网路资源的世界。罗宾.史隆 2012 年的小说《24 小时神秘书店》是一部非凡的冒险小说,探讨社会从书写文字到现代数位时代的转变。故事始于克雷.雅侬,他失去网页设计师的工作,最终在 24 小时神秘书店里值夜班。他很快地发现这间书店暗藏许多秘密。



physical a. 具体的,实体的

a physical book  实体书

casual a. 休闲的

harbor vt. 藏有;藏匿




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