In 2019, Hehuan Mountain in Central Taiwan was named a Dark Sky Park. The mountain ranks among the most popular stargazing spots on the island. At more than 3,000 meters above sea level, the Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park is the highest point in Taiwan accessible by road. There are five different stargazing spots along the road, including the Yuen Feng Stargazing Platform, which provides a remarkable 360-degree view of the night sky. Earning the status of a Dark Sky Park isn’t easy.

  2019 年,台湾中部的合欢山被选定为暗空公园。这座山名列岛上最受欢迎的观星地点之一。合欢山暗空公园海拔超过三千公尺,是台湾公路可到达的最高点。沿路上有五个不同的观星地点,其中包含可提供三百六十度非凡夜空景观的鸢峰观星平台。要获得暗空公园的地位并不容易。



rank vi. 列为,名列

remarkable a. 非凡的

status n. 地位,身分




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