Gelato is a delicious frozen treat from Italy. While people are not sure about its exact origin, the most popular theory is that a famous architect from Florence invented it in the 16th century. He was asked to prepare a feast for the visiting King of Spain, and he presented the King with the original form of gelato. In 1770, gelato was introduced to the United States. However, due to the later birth of the industrial ice cream industry, gelato didn’t make its name until the late 20th century.

  义式冰淇淋是一种来自义大利的冰冻美食。虽然人们不确定它的确切起源,但最受欢迎的理论是一位来自佛罗伦斯的知名建筑师在十六世纪发明了它。他被要求为来访的西班牙国王准备一场盛宴,他向国王呈上了原始样态的义式冰淇淋。1770 年,义式冰淇淋被引进美国。然而,由于后来工业冰淇淋产业的诞生,义式冰淇淋直到二十世纪末才声名大噪。


journey n.(长途的)旅程

frozen a. 冰冻的,结冰的

invent vt. 发明




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