Author Rick Riordan is the writer of over a dozen novels for youths, including the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. The five books in the series are set in the 21st century, but with Greek gods. With over 180 million copies sold, it is one of the top - selling book series of all time. His other book series include The Kane Chronicles and The Heroes of Olympus. Riordan' s most recent novel, Daughter of the Deep, was published in October 2021.

作者雷克.莱尔顿创作了十几部青少年小说,包含《波西杰克森》系列作。此系列的五本书设定在二十一世纪,但都与希腊众神有关。它的销售量超过一亿八千万册,是有史以来最热销的系列作品之一。他的其他系列作包括《埃及守护神》及《混血营英雄》。莱尔顿的最新小说《深海的女儿》于 2021 年十月出版。

生活必备字词: youth n. 年轻人 be set in. . .   (小说、电影)以. . . 为背景 The novel is set in San Francisco in 1965. recent a. 最近的

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