J: Jason  A: Amy

Jason is making a phone call to his cousin, Amy.

J: I’ll be visiting there for the first time next month, but I have no idea what I should pack.

A: You’ll definitely need sunscreen. April is the hottest month in Thailand.

J: Oh, wow. I didn’t know that. Do you think Bangkok will be too hot? 

A: It might be. I suggest you plan your day according to the weather. Try to stay indoors during the hottest time of day and go sightseeing outdoors when the sun isn’t as intense.

J: That’s a good idea. What kind of clothing did you wear when you went?


杰 森: 下个月会是我第一次去那里参访,但我不知道该打包哪些东西。

艾 咪: 你一定会需要防晒乳。在泰国,四月是最热的月分。

杰 森: 哦,哇。这我不知道耶。你觉得曼谷会太热吗?

艾 咪: 应该会。我建议你根据天气去计划一天的行程。尽量在一天最热的时候待在室内,然后在太阳没那么大时再到户外观光。

杰 森: 这是个好主意。你当时去的时候穿什么样的衣服呢?



have no idea + 疑问词引导的名词子句  不知道……

definitely adv. 一定,绝对

sightseeing n. 观光,游览

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