The uncanny valley is a term used to describe the uneasy feeling people experience when they see the human-like appearance of a robotic object. In 1970, roboticist Masahiro Mori first wrote an essay about the uncanny valley. He proposed that as robots look more human in appearance, people tend to find them more likable. However, when robots become too human-like, it can make people feel uncomfortable and scared. There are a number of theories about why the uncanny valley effect occurs.
恐怖谷这个词被用来形容人们看到外观似人的机器物体时所感受到的不安。1970 年,机器人专家森政弘首次撰写了关于恐怖谷的文章。他指出随著机器人在外观上看起来愈像人类,人们就愈会觉得它们讨喜。然而,当机器人变得太像人类时,它可能会令人感到不适及害怕。有一些理论说明为什么恐怖谷效应会发生。
uneasy a. 不安的
propose vt. 提出
tend to V 往往会……;易于……
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