S: Sam  R: Rebecca

Rebecca and Sam are discussing what they will do during the school fair.

S: Is there anything else we need to prepare for tomorrow?

R: As far as I know, we’re all set. Olivia is in charge of our tea stand, and she assured us that everything is ready.

S: Great. What time are you scheduled to work at the tea stand?

R: I’ll be there from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. How about you?

S: I’ll be doing the last shift, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.


山 姆: 明天还有什么需要准备的吗?

蕾贝嘉: 据我所知,我们都准备好了。奥莉薇雅负责我们的茶铺,她向我们保证一切都准备好了。

山 姆: 太好了。妳预定什么时候在茶铺工作?

蕾贝嘉: 我下午一点到两点会在那里。你呢?

山 姆: 我轮最后一班,从下午三点到四点。



As far as sb knows, ...  就某人所知,……

be in charge of...  负责……

assure vt. 向⋯⋯保证

assure sb + that 子句  向某人保证……

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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