R: Rebecca  T: Tom

The graduation ceremony has just ended. Rebecca talks to Tom, who is a graduate.

R: I had some help from a friend, but yeah, it took a while.

T: Thank you for helping out with the ceremony.

R: No problem. So, no more high school for you.

T: Yeah, it’s going to be a big change. It’ll take some time for me to get used to it.

R: Will you be starting university in the fall?

T: No, I’m taking a gap year. I think I need a break.

R: Oh, that sounds fantastic. What are you planning to do?


蕾贝嘉: 我从朋友那里得到了一些帮助,但是,确实花了一段时间。

汤 姆: 谢谢妳对毕业典礼的协助。

蕾贝嘉: 不客气。所以,你再也不是高中生了。

汤 姆: 是啊,这会是一个很大的转变。我需要一些时间来适应。

蕾贝嘉: 你会在秋季开始上大学吗?

汤 姆: 不,我会有个休学年。我想我需要休息一下。

蕾贝嘉: 哦,听起来棒极了。你打算做什么?



help out  帮忙;分担工作

get used to + N/V-ing  习惯于……

fantastic a. 极好的,很棒的

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