Today, Sanyi is an important hub for the art industry in Taiwan. It’s also a must-visit destination for anyone who is interested in woodcarving. The Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, which opened in 1990, is a great place to take in incredible sculptures that represent the talent and cultural heritage of Sanyi. The museum also educates guests on the history of the region and features a classroom where people can try their hand at woodcarving.

  如今,三义已成为台湾艺术产业的重镇。它也是对木雕有兴趣的人必访的景点。于 1990 年开幕的三义木雕博物馆是欣赏令人叹为观止的木雕的好去处,这些木雕代表著三义的才华与文化遗产。博物馆也教导访客该地区的历史,并设有一间让人们尝试木雕的教室。


take in...  欣赏……

educate vt. 教育

educate sb on / about sth  教导某人某事

try one’s hand at...  尝试做……




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壹苹派生活美语 走访三义寻觅木雕之美