On this day, it is common for groups of men to go on outings to hike, picnic, and drink with their close friends. Traditionally, Russian Father’s Day used to occur on February 23 to honor the Russian soldiers who fought for their country. Large festivals and special parades were held to honor the courage of past and present national heroes. In 2021, however, the government announced Father’s Day as an official holiday and moved the date to the third Sunday of October.

  在这一天,男性普遍会与亲近的朋友们成群出游远足、野餐并饮酒。传统上,俄罗斯的父亲节过去是于二月二十三日举行,以纪念为国奋战的俄国士兵。会举办盛大庆典与特殊游行以纪念过去与现代民族英雄的勇气。然而,在 2021 年,政府宣布将父亲节定为官方节日,并将日期移至十月的第三个星期日。


parade n. 游行

courage n. 勇气

hero n. 英雄

◆免费线上听外师朗读 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



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