Have you wondered why typhoons or hurricanes are given people’s names? In the beginning, tropical storms were usually named according to the time when they occurred or the locations where they struck. It wasn’t until the 1890s that Clement Wragge, an Australian meteorologist, started naming storms with people’s names. This practice expanded during World War II. At that time, meteorologists found it much easier to simply name storms by using people’s names instead of their latitude and longitude. Names were also easier to send over the radio, especially when more than one storm was in the same area.

  你是否好奇过为什么台风或飓风要以人名命名?最初,热带风暴通常根据其发生时间或袭击地点来命名。直到 1890 年代,澳洲气象学家克莱门特.雷格才开始用人名来命名风暴。这种做法在第二次世界大战期间被更广泛地采用。当时,气象学家发现简单地用人名来命名风暴比用经纬度要容易得多。透过无线电发送名字也更容易,尤其是当同一地区有不止一场风暴时。


tropical a. 热带的

location n. 地点

instead of...  而不是……

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